My mission

6 - 9 is the age group I am focusing on because of the transition from play learning to the school curriculum. I am finding ways to help them engage with their learning.

Problem statement

How can I spark imagination and creativity In kids. Between 6 to 9 to improve their thinking and communication skills. through storytelling and doodling?

My role (Speculative creative)


My role is to design an idea (as a suggestion) as I am not from an educational field or a parent. I am basing this idea on my knowledge and the people around me (family and friends).

I am focusing on a different direction on learning which is doodling and storytelling a useful tools. Sometimes teachers look down on it as it looks like kids are not focusing. And storytelling makes it engaging.

By creating tasks that help the kids to think about themselves and they're surrounding differently. There is no right or wrong answer just them answering the questions by drawing or witting them.


Every drawing start with a basic shape and colours. At first, the drawing is abstract but the more time you spend the more detail it has. Just like doodling and how a story is created.

Promo Animation

A little animation that can be seen on tv and any social media platform.

A short video to show what is the problem, a solution and outcome.


Character animation

Each character have a little animation about what task they belong too, what they look like and their name. Like and introduction. each character has it own name to make like a mascot for each task that contain drawing and doodling.



Is a hashtag I created for Little Wanderer , to share, view and inspire kids and parents while or when they are using Little Wanderer .



it will contain all the useful information such as what is little wanderer, the goal, character names , social media that they can go and see more information and signing in
To get latest update.

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