
The problem I want to solve

Kids are at home during the lockdown during school or even in school holiday time. Because of this, they can't go outside to do what they normally do. From this, they are losing their creative side as they are living their life on repeat. Nothing new is inspiring them to use their brain. Nothing motivates them either.
Low Little Helper title.gif
From researching and my personal life I had a thought to create an imaginary book with tasks and challenges that kids can have the options of doing more than one time. Its have varieties of topics, brain dump, doodling, fill in the gap. It is going to be affordable that parents or caregiver can buy it for their kids. 

A book

Little Helper is a book that has tasks and challenges that the kids can either do one or multiple times. It’s aimed at children, Therefore the whole family can join as it is family-friendly.


For this project, I decided to make three idents to promote my book.
 In these three idents is everything is created by me (except for the music)

I want my videos to have the same storyline only the middle is a different scenario. The girl falls into the book and in a different place. Everyone imagination is different and I wanted to show that in my videos.