
Problem Statement

How can we use advertisements to raise
awareness and educate tertiary students
on the true value of ugly produce (fruits and vegetable) in
order make a lasting positive change in
their buying behaviours?
The goal for this project was to find a way to reduce food waste, my group had an idea on focusing on ugly fruits and vegetable as we have not seen any organization in New Zealand focusing on ugly produce. 

My doodles

Since we are focusing on how to change people views on ugly produce, I thought about making it look like superheroes because people look up to anyone they idolize or believe in. I wanted to showcase that ugly fruits and vegetable should not be looked down on.

This idea wasn’t the final outcome (due to the change during research and ideations as a group)

Rise of the rejects in comic style.

My idea was to make a 15 - 30 seconds promotional video that can be on the Foodover website, for example what is the problem and how we can help in a way or a fun comic short video of ugly produce recusing the day. 
Foodover means to redo the food, starting from the top (give the food a second chance)

Who generates most of our food waste?

18-24 year olds are our high food wasters.

What is my role in this group project?

My role for this whole eight weeks was a researcher focusing on our demographic (tertiary students And cafes) and figuring out what and how the journey from the environment to the customer is and how we can improve that. I also was under a project manager role as a monitor I overlooked everyone's work and give them feedback and ideas. I was also the creator of our name Foodover which was the starting point of our research for giving ugly fruits and vegetables a second chance and or doing it correctly.


Cartoon characters can encourage people to buy ugly fruits and vegetable.